Monteco simplifies the management of all services relating to separate waste collection, integrating information search and waste management services in a single environment.
A single, smarter solution, customised to your specific needs.
All you need to know is the address and type of user, business or private home, for which you want to view the information or services provided by Monteco. Get started right away, using the shortcuts you find here.
Computerized and video-monitored Recycling depot for the exclusive use of producers of diapers. To take advantage of this service, just go to The Front Office
All the services around you are grouped in a single area of the website: enter a position on the map, so that the system returns useful information to quickly reach a physical point of interest
Did you know...
- Recycling glass saves a lot of energy
Glass recycling saves a lot of melting energy (up to 25/30%) and 120% of raw materials.
In fact, a 350g bottle of wine is produced with 350g of recycled glass, or 420g of traditional raw materials. - We need at least 15 trees to produce a ton of paper
15 trees, 440,000 liters of water and 7,600 kWh of electricity are required to produce 1 ton of paper from virgin cellulose; Instead, to produce 1 ton of recycled cellulose paper 1,800 liters of water and 2,700 kWh of electricity are enough.
- Tons of steel were recovered
In more than ten years, almost 3.000000 tons of steel have been recovered; the equivalent in weight of 300 Eiffel Tower!
SC Observatory
Container suitable for receiving organic waste, which, while in the same, undergoes the process of aerobic decomposition. You can request the composter from the Front Office by filling out the appropriate module
In this section you can see the list of all the waste that can be disposed inside the containers and learn how to sort them.
How can we help?
- Badge for underground ecological center
- Envelopes for separate collection
- Domestic compost bin
- Containers
Check out the FAQ
Useful docs
Everything you need to know about Proper Separate Waste Collection
Everything you need to know about composting
Everything you need to know about the Environmental Account
Documentation required for requests or reports
Monteco equipment repair request form
Service Quality card
Customer satisfaction surveys
Useful information for Monteco users
Centro del Riuso: esempi concreti di economia circolare e solidale!
Ogni cittadino residente/domiciliato nel territorio comunale di Campi Salentina, e regolarmente iscritto a ruolo Ta.Ri., ha la possibilità di consegnare oggetti purché in buono stato al personale del CeRi in via E. Mattei (Z. I.) di Campi Salentina che verificherà le condizioni dei prodotti, registrando e catalogando il materiale idoneo.
È possibile portare:
√ mobili ed elementi di arredo
√ indumenti
√ casalinghi
√ attrezzature sportive
√ oggettistica
√ giocattoli
√ pubblicazioni
√ articoli per l’infanzia
√ biciclette
√ apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche
Cittadini e associazioni potranno ritirare gratuitamente prodotti fino ad un massimo di 5 pezzi con frequenza non superiore a 2 prelievi al mese.
Il CeRi sarà aperto ogni lunedì, mercoledì, giovedì e sabato dalle 13 alle 14, martedì e venerdì dalle 17 alle 18. Dal 15 giugno al 15 settembre l’apertura pomeridiana sarà martedì e venerdì dalle 16 alle 17. Festivi esclusi.